donderdag 23 juni 2011

Yamaha EX5 added to studio

While I celebrated holidays in Southern France for the last two weeks, another synthesizer was delivered, which found its place on one of the very few spots left in my studio in the meanwhile: the Yamaha EX5.
I am not going to review it or whatsoever, but recently I've found this piece of "youth sentiment" for a nice amount on the internet. I remember that the synth came out somewhere in 1996 and while playing on it in a music store, I immediately fell in love with its sounds. The past years I used to have my brave old Korg M1 as master keyboard, but because the availability of an extra octave and its very comfortable keys I prefer the EX5 as the new master keyboard.
Indeed I am keeping the M1 in my setup, because I still use it a lot.
As soon as some temporarily storage boxes in my studio have been moved, I will post some photo updates from my setup.

woensdag 8 juni 2011

New website, "i-Dentity" and EM For Life

While being on holidays, it's actually impossible not to be busy with my music...

Recently I've launched the Deserted Island Music website.
Actually it's a raw version 1.0 of the site which I am going to develop as soon as I find time for it, but most important for now is that you can find all necessary informations on it, including ordering details for my music.
There is also being worked on my Exhibition of Dreams website, which will include information about all my past, present and future projects. For the moment it only contains some "i-Dentity" promotion and ordering links. Indeed I will post on this blog as soon as there are any updates available.

Recently there has been added an extensive review of my latest album on the Synth&Sequences blog, by Sylvain Lupari.
His translated review of "This Is Not The End" can also be read on this page. The French versions (also of a lot of my older albums) appear on Guts of Darkness.

Reviews of "i-Dentity" and the E-Day festival appear in Dutch progrock magazine iO-Pages #101.

Electronic Music For Life
Stephan Schelle (of Musikzirkus) did a review of the benefit double album "Electronic Music For Life", which can be read on the new Empulsiv website (launched today).

On the donation tracker you can see the total amount that has already been raised with this project for the DRK (German Red Cross).