I'd like to get everyone's attention for "Electronic Music FOR LIFE".
I am very honoured that my exclusively for this project recorded track, "Fukushima" also appears on the album.
Find below the official information:
On March 11th, 2011, Japan had to experience the most powerful earthquake of its history. Pictures of the following Tsunami were seen around the world. This natural catastrophe caused extensive and long lasting consequences. In one word: Fukushima. Ten thousands of people died, hundred thousands are homeless. Families, children and old people are fighting for their livelihood.
The world is shocked and takes share in the fate of the concerned. The quiet and proud japanese people welcome this solace.
But even a country like Japan cannot manage the enormous challenges alone. Therefore, the consoling words have to be followed by action!
The world is shocked and takes share in the fate of the concerned. The quiet and proud japanese people welcome this solace.
But even a country like Japan cannot manage the enormous challenges alone. Therefore, the consoling words have to be followed by action!
Based on this thought, Mellowjet-Records started the project "Electronic Music FOR LIFE" shortly after the catastrophe. The idea was to release a compilation and to donate the complete revenue to a charitable organisation. The response and readiness of the addressed artists to support this project was overwhelming. So, INTERDISC agreed to sponsor the first release of a double-cd-production.
Even more artists joint the project. The Eroc Mastering Ranch offered a free audio mastering. Company Rebeat offered the free digital marketing and added a special sponsoring package.
A survey among the participating artists confirmed, that the revenue should be donated to the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK). Due to this remarkable development the DRK was convinced to support this project by allocating their logo.
Even more artists joint the project. The Eroc Mastering Ranch offered a free audio mastering. Company Rebeat offered the free digital marketing and added a special sponsoring package.
A survey among the participating artists confirmed, that the revenue should be donated to the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK). Due to this remarkable development the DRK was convinced to support this project by allocating their logo.
Within a few weeks only, Mellowjet-Records was able to compile and produce an excellent, 150 minutes long double-cd which involves all faces of contemporary electronic music. Most of the 27 songs from 27 different bands and musicians have been composed exclusively for this project. Only to mention some: Robert Schroeder, Eroc, Bernd Kistenmacher, Rolf Maier Bode, Harald Grosskopf, Mythos, Matthias Beine, Wellenfeld, Dithmar, moonbooter, Uwe Reckzeh, Spyra and many, many more. Besides dreamy sequences of Berlin School, powerful chorals, piano-ballades, orchestral works and danceable electronic music this double-cd offers as well experimental pieces, synthiepop, spacerock, chillout and ambient music. Thus, this album should be part of every collection!
All artists as well as the label waive their share of profits. The whole revenue from sales of the double- cd and downloads will be donated to a project of the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz and will support the people in Japan directly.
The sales price are convenient EURO 13.99 for the double-cd or download. If you want to donate more, please remit the additional amount to the account of the DRK-project.
Please support the victims in Japan by buying this album. Even if the world tends to forget quickly: the misery will remain in the everyday life of the people in Japan for a very long time.
Thank you very much!
Bernd "moonbooter" Scholl
CEO, MellowJet-Records
Ordering information, complete tracklisting, soundclips, and everything else you might need to know about this project can be found here:
Watch the official trailer here:
It is also possible to order your copy via me (by sending an e-mail to remy@exhibitionofdreams.com). The price will be the same (EURO 13.99, excluding shipping), as 100% of this amount will be donated to DRK! I will not earn a single cent on it! Additional donations will be paid to the DRK!
Thanks a lot for your support!